Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's Up, Wednesday!

As I listen to Ava Grace playing in her room, I am reminded what a blessing it is that I get to be home with my girls. The past three months have flown by and time will continue to do so, I'm sure, but at least we are making priceless memories together.

Like today, we headed out to Jump'n Jungle. It is a big barn filled with jumping castles and slides and it is perfect for wearing AG out. She made two little friends and spent the morning chasing them down slides and through obstacle courses. She did stop to get a much needed drink and to lose her jacket. She was a little puddle of sweat. Annabelle just laid back and took it all in. I am sure that she will take off to catch her big sister as soon as she can.

By the way, this is now the face that we make all of the time - Tongue out!! As for this little cutie, she is going to spend her first night away from Mommy tonight. We asked Jeremy and Beth to babysit and since they live out in Ropesville (25 minutes away) we thought we would try it. AB goes down between 8-8:30 and has been sleeping until 9 a.m. I pray that she does that for them tonight. Neno and I are going on a date - YAY!! We have been doing game night and have been to friends' houses for dinner, but we haven't gone out by ourselves since before Christmas (YIKES!!). I cannot wait!

Not much else is going on with us. We are preparing for lots of company this weekend as the guys work their cows. If I haven't mentioned it before, Neno, Jeremy and their cousin Mike own cattle. MariAnne, Seth, Hebron, Holly and crew will all be joining us for the festivities. That's if you call castrating festivities??? Either way, it will be a lot of fun to have them here.

Other updates from the week:

  1. I signed AG up for her first camp at TEGA - she will go 3 days a week starting June 1. She is so excited to get to swim, do gymnastics and probably just get away from me and AB for a little bit. She is way too social to spend all of her time with just us.
  2. We are having the girls dedicated at Church this Sunday. They are doing it on Mother's Day - totally fitting!! This is something that we have wanted to do, but they only do it twice a year or so and the last one was right before AB was born. We decided to wait and do them both together.
  3. AG has decided that she likes the show - "Dancing IN the Stars". She tries to dance and then wants me to critique her and let her talk into a microphone. Hopefully, I can get it on video to share. It is priceless!!

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