I definitely don't want to forget this story and she will probably be so embarrassed (at some point in her life) that her daddy and I think it is so funny, but share I must.
As I was looking through family pics from Christmas, I came across Ava Grace's Christmas dance pictures. All of the parents and siblings were invited to her last dance class before Christmas for a small recital and reception.

We were watching all of the precious girls dance and Annabelle was becoming a bit of a distraction. Neno decided they should go to the lobby. She could run around, have a cookie, play with other kids, etc.
Anyway, there are a few toys in the lobby for kids to play with before class and for siblings during the class. As Neno tells it, there was little boy that kept nudging Annabelle back when she tried to join in. After a few times of that, she just politely stepped around him and went about her business. As the little recital was winding down, Annabelle ventured over to the door so that she could get a better look at her sister. This sweet young man felt the need to provoke my child yet again. Again, Annabelle tried to ignore him and go about her business, but Neno said that he could sense she had enough. The next time that he poked or elbowed or whatever he did to her, my child proceeded to take him down. Yes, my Annabelle shoved this boy through the door of the studio where the girls were dancing.
I was in Ava Grace mode, focused soley on her, while all of this was happening until I heard a child crying. I looked over to see a mother consoling her son. As I looked her direction, she was smiling at me. I thought is was just because she was embarrassed that her child was interrupting the class. As I found out later, she was probably looking at me thinking - your child did this.
In our defense, the little boys dad watched him provoke my child or was supposed to be watching him and truly wasn't. Neno knew something was about to happen and he just chose to watch it unfold.
My sweet Annabelle did try to be a lady and just let it slide, but when a girl has enough, a girl has enough. One day, she will know that sweet boy was just trying to get her attention. He just went about doing it the wrong way.